Friday, December 4, 2009

Ohhhh caring..

I'm pretty much done with my emotions. I know relationships are worth it however sometimes i just want to quit... My emotions and mind race all the time. I hate it. Its exhausting caring about people. Caring about your friends and the decisions they make, your sister and how harsh high school can be, your parents that have my world to deal with, and then the random people you just think about that have it so much harder then you...and finally the one im talking about is the boy. Maybe its just a part of being female...It drives me crazy, its annoying and stupid. But I cant stop, and I dont want to i just want it to be easier. I'm not sure even how to describe it. I feel like guys never feel that way tho. its like I want us to be able to do stuff separate but I just want to be happy with him all the time. I want to be the only thing on his mind...its gross and a little selfish...I am such a girl. FML

Totally worth it ;)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Home again... a waste of my time. I'm going home again today. Home is starting to not feel the same. I love my family, but the pull that was once there is fading. Its a little sad. Most of my friends are in bloomington even my friends in Avon are usually in bloomington with me. Its a feeling I just can't explain...i guess everyone feels it a little at some point...but
I love college :)

I have been in the weirdest mood lately. I'm fine and then all the sudden i just cant handle anything. The feeling is exhausting and I hate feeling like that because I know what im doing that im being mean but i continue to be mean and refuse any attempt at changing my mood. Which isnt fair to those poor people are brave enough to stick their hand in the cage only to get it bitten repeatedly...I should probably work on that. Something just seems off...

On a happy note...I'm really excited for the weekend. It should be fun, family/Matt time. My favorite. Plus i get to go to a wedding, I love weddings no matter who it is :) They are so sweet.

Take my mind and think through it, take my lips and speak through them, take my heart and set it on fire.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Its Been Awhile....

It is funny what can happen in a year. I'm pretty sure my life came to an end 3 or 4 times...or so i thought it would. Thankfully I made it through. And am happier then I have been in a long time. My blogs reveal an embarrassingly large amount of stuff about me I feel like... reading them makes me roll my eyes at myself a little. Thinking about how much as changed and all that has happened exhausts me. Friends have come and gone, as well as guys. The roller coaster of life continues... But i have figured myself out a little more, I'm still pretty confusing tho. Oh and no matter what happens i can get through it..
Top Ten
1 my apartment kicks the dorms ass.
2 there are great guys out there
3.You cant change someone who doesn't want to change
4.All I can do is do my best to be a good person and hope that who i am people will like...and if they don't then that's OK too..
5.Even best friends leave.
7.My friend Amanda and i were talking about how everything is as big of a deal as you make it..and
8.worrying gets you no where... not compromise on the things that are the most important to you...remember that they are important for a reason and that reason will probably never leave
10.Enjoy life and just love every moment in the moment<(i am so bad at being in the moment)

Some things will never change my eternal love for chick flicks :)I <3 MOVIES...Some people will always be here for me, and I love them for that, I want a dog! I'm still weird and awkward...

And a little lame... :)

Always love hate will get you every time <3
