Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer :)

I am working at a day care this summer. It is quite an experience.  I always thought I would loved all kids and my love for kids would trump their problems.  HA was i wrong. I have this little girl that drives me CRAZY. I am taking summer classes online, and Biology is kicking my butt. I hate science :/  The first week in august cant come fast enough to be done with the classes.  My mom has been awesome in trying to help me get everything done.  She is always supportive :) and just the best. I love her. I haven't done much this summer. Hanging out w/ my Matt Brown :D which is one of my favorite things to do anyway. He always amazes me in all the best ways. I cant complain to much. Hanging with my friends too, and that is always nice. I am excited to go back to Bloomington tho.  I can't believe i am going to be a junior. YIKES the time has gone fast!   I got a new iphone, which is Matthews doing.  But it is a lot of fun to have! Life is good. Thank You God :)